Saturday 8/31 Schedule
All games on Field 2
10:00AM 1 Goal - Lone Pine vs Mallets & Mayhem
Umpire:Flaco (Mallets & Mayhem) Toto (Lone Pine)
Scorekeeper/3rd Man:George Dill
Flaggers:Rory & Suzy
12:00PM 3 Goal - Wildfire Polo vs Dix Farm
Umpire:Flaco (Dix Farms) Lucas (Wildfire Polo)
Scorekeeper/3rd Man: Danielle Moorhouse
Flaggers: William & Rachel
2:00PM 1 Goal - Propitious vs Big Dill
Umpire:Flaco (Propitious) Logan (Big Dill)
Scorekeeper/3rd Man: Sheryl Sick
Flaggers:Christina & Shelly
4:00PM 0 Goal - Polonium vs Smash & Dash
Umpire:Henri (Polonium) Zach (Smash & Dash)
Scorekeeper/3rd Man: RJ
Flaggers:Cinderella & Connor
Umpire horses tacked and to center field 10 minutes prior to game starting.
Friday barbecue at clubhouse (BYOB) 7pm
Saturday 8/31 Tournament Dinner 7pm @ Dix Farm - Refer to tournament emails for address.
Stick around Sunday after the awards ceremony for the annual tradition of the Peter Dix Tailgate Party.
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Become a Spokane Polo sponsor and forge deep connections and advertising opportunities with our audience in a truly unique atmosphere. Our grounds are an ideal setting for corporate and non-profit events, and for the public to spend their Thursday evening or Sunday afternoon watching polo and socializing.